CS 101.3 (Winter 2004)
Special Topics in Computer Science
Programing Language Semantics

Time: Fri 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Place: Jorgensen 74
Instructors:  Jason Hickey, Aleksey Nogin
Units: 4 (1+0+3), pass/fail or letter grade
Prerequisites:  CS22
Office Hours:  Jorgensen 60; Thu 2:00 PM, and by appointment
Textbook: Glynn Winskel. The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages. An Introduction.

This course will cover the basics of assigning a rigorous mathematical meaning to computer programs and using it to establish properties of programs.

Contact Information

Instructors and TA contact address: cs101-admin@metaprl.org.

Class mailing list: cs101-class@metaprl.org (web interface).


Schedule and Lecture Notes

This schedule is preliminary and is subject to change
Jan 9Operational semantics. Slides: PDF, Postscript, 4 per page. Suggested reading: textbook chapter 2.
Jan 16Operational semantics. Slides: PDF, Postscript, 4 per page. Suggested reading: textbook chapter 2.
Jan 23Introduction into denotational semantics. Suggested reading: textbook sections 5.1 and 5.2
Jan 23Equivalence of denotational and operational semantics. Introduction into axiomatic semantics. Suggested reading: textbook sections 5.3 and 6.1
Feb 6Axiomatic semantics. Slides: PDF, Postscript, 4 per page. Suggested reading: textbook sections 6.1-6.6
Feb 13Axiomatic semantics. Slides: PDF, Postscript, 4 per page.
Feb 20Exceptions, continuations
Feb 27No lecture because of the prospective graduate students' interview day.
Mar 5TBA

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Last update: Thursday, February 26, 2004